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Creative Solutions with Professionalism
We are an innovative Creative Design Studio known for its out-of-the-box thinking and quality products that help businesses and institutions succeed in providing quality services with the latest technologies (3D, VR) and professional types of equipment. 
Our services include developing logo design, animation videos and stop motions, adverts, 2D or 360 ° education or promotion videos recorded in air and ground (with CAA drone license), business online games, apps, furthermore Virtual Reality on the highest level. 
With our experience and methods, the name of your company or institution will burn into the memories in a short time. Contact us if you have an idea in mind and would like us to help you bring it to life.


For Your Benefit



Pre-production is the research, designing, and planning phase of the entire 2D or 3D project which is split between two stages: The design stage which creates the idea, story and designs, and the management stage who writes down the production plan (including budgets, teams and time frames). The better the pre-production phase is done, the easier the production stage will be.



Pre-production consists of the following steps:

  • Idea Generation:

    Every great story starts with a brilliant idea. Thus, it is essential for a successful result to have a solid, well-thought idea.

  • Story Creation:

    Ideas will be developed and improved until the whole story is shaped. This is a basic version of what’s going to happen in the creating process, including the characters, conflict, et cetera.

  • Script Writing:

    The script is the formal, written, literary version of the story; including the character movements, environment, time, actions and dialogues.

  • Storyboarding:

    A storyboard is a non-moving visual version of the script. It basically looks like a comic book, including early ideas of camera staging, major character poses, or scene events.

  • Animatic:

    A moving form of the storyboard is called the animatic which will evolve into the final edit of the entire project. The animatic is created in its most simple form, portraying the sequence timing of the project through 2D storyboard drawings.

  • Design:

    The final look of the project is decided at this stage; including the concept design, character design, costumes, prop design and environment. The mood and the concept of designs must be fully conveyed here.

    Read more to find out what we talk about when we talk about design in animation pre-production.





What is animation post production process?

At this stage, the final touches are added to the project to make it look polished and professional (the definition of polished and professional might differ in various projects, of course). Post-production stages imply a number of tools that can make up the look of a project in whatever way they want.

Post-production in  3D animation pipeline includes:

  • Compositing:

    To make a final output, the layers rendered previously are put together again in compositing. The layering process can be as simple as putting 2 layers together, or as complex as matching hundreds of layers and adjusting their properties.

  • 2D VFX:

    Some visual effects such as sparks, dust, rain drops, camera shakes, et cetera, are more easily achieved in a 2D environment at the end of the project, without sacrificing the quality. These effects are usually mixed with other layers in compositing.

  • Color correction:

    Also known as color timing or color grading, color correction is literally the last adjustment we make to a 2D or 3D digital product. This step makes each shot and the whole project look more consistent.

  • Final output:

    There are different options out there regarding the output format of the pipeline, however, the most common type is digital video which is compatible with most digital devices and can be played on the internet.


10 Broadhurst Gardens, Littlemore, Oxford OX4 4YQ, UK

07380 410465

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